Vernon Lee - For over 20 years, Vernon Lee, founder of Lee Group Consulting, LLC, has been involved in consulting and lobbying on local and state-wide issues. Mr. Lee represents a wide range of clients, building on the expertise and trust that he gained as Executive Director for the Outdoor Advertising Association of Georgia. Mr. Lee has a strong personal relationship with many Georgia legislators. He attends numerous legislative meetings, including all Department of Transportation Board meetings to keep abreast of policy initiatives and critical decisions affecting his clients. Mr. Lee represents a diverse clientele as well as many individual clients. He serves on the Georgia Department of Human Resources state task force and is chairman of the H.E.A.T. program in which he reformed after deregulation of the gas industry in 1998. Vernon also maintains strong relationships with the members of the Georgia Public Service Commission and frequently communicates with the members of the commission on regulatory issues. In the mid 1980’s Vernon developed the Salvation Army’s Project SHARE program throughout the state of Georgia which quickly became the nation’s largest fuel fund.